Skyle for Windows



Easy and simple, the first choice for eye gaze users in every classroom.

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SKU: SK70 Category:


Easy and simple, Skyle for Windows is the first choice for eye gaze users in every classroom.

Indiscriminative of skill, it is perfect for multi-user settings. It allows anyone to start at any level of ability and build their gaze control skills at their own pace.

With Skyle for Windows installed on a desktop, laptop or tablet, children can use their gaze to explore, play games, learn, participate in classroom activities, communicate and more.

  • Skyle EyeMouse – Simplest, easy-to-use Eye Mouse.
  • State of the art Skyle for Windows Eye Tracker – Tracks where your eyes are looking and turns that into computer control.
  • Easy set-up: No technical training or knowledge required.
  • No-Fail-Start: 1 point calibration for early users.
  • Unique Classroom Features: Designed for special needs students and teachers. Building Independence & AAC: With Skyle for Windows learners can develop at their own pace.

What’s Included?

The Skyle for Windows Eye Tracker, a state-of-the-art access device that tracks where your eyes are looking and turns that into computer access!

  • Works with any assistive and mouse driven software.
  • Works with most lighting conditions.
  • Small and portable – easily transported between computers at home or school.
  • Can be used across any Windows devices with 10″ – 24″ screens.

Skyle EyeMouse Software

Designed for the needs of ‘independent’ users as well as ‘supported’ users and their teachers and parents:

  • Intuitive video or guided positioning.
  • Individual profile settings for different users and devices – ideal for classroom & assessment.
  • Mouse-over-gaze precedence provides control and convenience to teachers.
  • Easy on-screen ‘Access Button’ and ‘Gaze-at-Camera’ for various levels of independence and abilities.
  • Rich calibration and customization to cater for specific individual needs and interests.
  • Mouse and configuration menu are fully gaze accessible.

Who is it for?

Use the Cosmo Switch with your Augmented and Alternative Communication Skyle for Windows can be used with many children and adults with conditions such as:

  • Physical Difficulties
  • Communication Difficulties
  • Intellectual Disabilities
  • ALS and Multiple Sclerosis
  • Cerebral Palsy and Rett Syndrome
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorder

What can you do with it?

Everything you can do with a mouse!

Skyle for Windows will follow your gaze on the screen and let you move the cursor and issue mouse commands such as:

  • Dwell
  • Double Click
  • Right Click
  • Scroll
  • and more.

Skyle for Windows is designed for simplicity and ease of use, suited for those new to eye gaze and for use with all levels of ability. You no longer need specialist support and training to get started. Launch one application and follow the simple guide to set up in seconds!

  • Launch Skyle EyeMouse at Windows start-up.
  • No screen measuring or training required to use; designed to be intelligent and intuitive.
  • A simple guide to position, calibrate and choose your mouse function enables you to get set up and start using in seconds.
  • Easy 1-point calibration gives great functional accuracy for users with limited attention skills.
  • Also offers up to 9-point calibration for pixel accuracy.


Use the intuitive guide to quickly gain optimum positioning for eye gaze.


An immediate one point calibration gives great functional accuracy for most users.


Choose the cursor function and dwell settings you want and you are ready to eye gaze!

Supporting Documents