HKL – How To Login and Play ChooseIt Maker:
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1. Go to and click on the ChooseIt Maker box.
2. Click the green login button.
3. Enter the username and password access details. (This is the one that is NOT an email address. The email address is used by the administrator to manage the subscription; the non email address is used to login to ChooseIt Maker to play, create, and organize activities).
4. Your ChooseIt Maker activities are organized into folders on your home screen. You might choose to arrange your activities into folders by subject area (ex. math, science, literacy), learning goals (ex. cause and effect, errorless choices, errored choices), student name (ex. Angela, William, Antonio, etc.), or whatever way works best for you. Click on a folder to open it.
5. Activities in a folder are arranged alphabetically. Click the upper portion of the activity thumbnail to play the activity.
6. You will then be prompted to choose your access settings. Select the access method your student is using, then click the green play button in the upper left corner to start the activity. The arrows to the right will take you to more options to customize access settings. We recommend discussing your student’s individual needs with their teacher. For switch access, pro-gram your switch to send “space” and “enter” commands.
7. The student can play through each page of the activity. ChooseIt Maker will only accept answers that were designated as correct during the creation process. When a student selects a correct answer, a reward will play then the activity will move onto the next page. Press the red X in the upper right corner at any time to end an activity early.
8. Upon completing all pages of an activity, a reward screen will display the student’s stats, including a star score out of three, the percentage of correct answers, number of correct answers out of total questions, and how long the student played the activity. This screen has been made more user friendly than the older version and is made to be more visually appealing for students. As development continues, teachers will be able to access even more detailed reports of students performance after the student has played an activity.
9. After 25 seconds, a ten second timer begins. Click the green play button or wait for the timer to run out to repeat the activity. Alternatively, click the red X button to exit the activity and return to the home page.
10. To end a session, click the icon of the person in the top right of the screen, then click sign out. (Remembering to sign out will help avoid problems with logging in due to too many seats in use).
* ChooseIt Maker activities can also be played directly on your iPad through a web browser. Open ChooseIt Maker in a web browser and login to see all of your folders and activities displayed. Click on an activity to open the access settings, select your access setting, then play the activity just as you would on the computer.
See supplemental video: Play on an iPad