Big Bang Pictures


Early cause and effect activities with animated simple images

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In response to the popularity of Big Bang, Big Bang Pictures has been developed for students with more complex special needs.


Big Bang Pictures has twenty animating pictures of everyday objects displayed in only two colours, for maximum visual effect. The eye-catching animations have been designed with three levels of visual complexity together with colour options, following consultation with colleagues in the VI service.


The program includes exciting music and sound effects. Big Bang Pictures can also be used at an experiential level to encourage looking and listening. Configurable options allow you to meet individual needs.


Please note: Big Bang software is downloadable software delivered via email with an Activation code – (email address required when placing order)


  • Single User – License to install on one computer.
  • 5 User – License to install on five computers **
  • Site License – License to install on all computers within that site **


** The computers must be housed within one single building/location.

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