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Lets Go To Town is a delightful onscreen story book with decision making activities and animations to link the story together.
A story-based program with a difference, Let’s Go To Town features nine fun, interactive scenes with linking animations to provide cohesion.
First catch the bus, and we’re off! Once at the town you can choose clothes and food at the market, buy an ice-cream or candy in the park, mail a letter and finally catch the bus home again at the bus station.
Designed to promote decision making and encourage discussion of the real-life activity at a basic level. The story and presentation are aimed at students of all ages, principally with severe learning difficulties and/or little reading ability. Use a keyboard, mouse, switch, touchscreen or IntelliKeys.
Please note: Let’s Go Series software is downloadable software delivered via email with an Activation code – (email address required when placing order)
** The computers must be housed within one single building/location.